This week, I've been off work. I have more time to listen to things. Since the first lockdown, I've lost the 2 hours a day commutting with headphones on. That's about 240 hours over 6 months! Lots that I've missed. And I'm driving less. Listening time happens when I walk and when I'm at the gym, rarely when I'm sitting passively at home. Watching YouTube or TV gets me listening at home.

BBC stuff:

Noteworthy new music to my ears:

New releases:

  • Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez, a compilation of the tracks Gorillaz have released over the last year.
  • Alice in Wonderland by Nahre Sol. Stunning piano player. She has a great Youtube channel. But nothing making me want to listen a second time. I was reminded of Lubomyr Melnyk as I listened to some of her arpeggio pieces. Melnyk's music truly captivates and is hypnotic. I saw him play once at the Royal Festival Hall.