MONDAY: Went to Gym, did calthnetics. Upgraded to Eleventy 2. Made spag bol.

TUESDAY: Ran 5k in Dulwich Park. Added h-feed, h-entry and h-card microformats to markup of posts to start on my journey towards the indieweb. Waiting to hear whether I am successful

WEDNESDAY: Bad news, I didn't get the job I had 3 interviews and a code test for. Later on, I achieved something - was part of the winning pub quiz team. We've won each of the 3 times we've turned up.

I bought a book called Unmasking Autism by Dr Devon Price, a music stand so the boy can practice the homework from the piano book he's working through.

THURSDAY: Another teacher strike day, another morning spent playing footie down the local rec.

FRIDAY: World Book Day. My son went in as Auggie from the book Wonder. Whilst I'm not working I've attending Parents Into Reading on Friday mornings which means I go into my son's classroom for 30 minutes and read with him and any other kids who are interested in the book he's reading.

SATURDAY: Went for a 5k walk around in Bletchingley with K and her godparents. Great walk despite bits of it being right next to the M23.

SUNDAY: Gym, roast at the pub with friends, picked up son from the 2nd birthday party of the weekend and watched the latest episode of The Apprentice to keep up my shouting at the TV weekly target.