Over the last twenty years I have started many a blogging website. Here's the ones I can remember.
Short-lived university blogs
https://prjxml.blogspot.com/ - I think one of my projects in my masters involved exploiting the famed XMLHTTPRequest function in JavaScript, which led to a splurge of websites loading content without refreshing the page. I think I built software to analyse all of Bob Dylan's lyrics using Wordnet and put an Ajax front-end on it, which meant the page updated dynamically as the user typed by fetching content from a backed server. It seemed like magic back in 2005. I think all this blog did was let me record a bunch of links related to XMLHTTPRequest. Should have just used bookmarks but I guess I was fascinated by putting things online instead of opting for the simple way.
https://studenttakeaways.blogspot.com/ - One of the modules in my masters was called Enterprise and distributed systems. Basically it was a group project about business. My idea was about taking the takeaway restaurant sector online, hosting menus and other services that we take for granted these days. This blog was for members of the group to discuss ideas and post interesting links. My group received a pretty good mark for the plan and its presentation to a scary bunch of business gurus and we entered the plan into a business competition run by the universities in the north east. We made the final but had to drop out because people were either too busy with other coursework or were not fully committed to the idea.
https://sewwebproj.blogspot.com/ - Another uni project, this time about the Semantic Web.
Personal blogs
https://allsorts.blogspot.com/ - This lasted for 2 months in late 2003, 7 blog posts in total.
https://landofthelongwhitecloud.blogspot.com/ - I travelled for about 9 months in Australia and New Zealand. I arrived just before Christmas 2003 in Sydney and went all over Australia. In the last few months I was in New Zealand and blogged a bit of it. I wish I blogged the whole trip as I had some great adventures. I have lots of photos to remember it by.
https://salohcin.wordpress.com/ - Nicholas spelt backwards! A mixture of diary type blog posts covering my time in Durham and Edinburgh.
https://entrewhat.blogspot.com/ - a blog about starting a business in Edinburgh based on the idea of bringing takeaway businesses online (inspired by my business module during my masters). Our name was chewchew.co.uk, we didn't know what we were doing, we were a few years too early - Hungry House was on Dragon's Den a few years later after web and mobile web was a bit more prevalent. The nail in the coffin was when another company called ChewChew sent us a letter from their lawyer saying we were infringing their brand. We hired a patent lawyer and negotiated to sell the domain name and make a name change for £2,500 then called it a day.
https://stagdo.blogspot.com/ - I'd been on a couple of stag dos and thought there isn't enough content dedicated to stag dos. I can imagine my intention was to create lots of content, get eyeballs to the site and get rich from adverts. This blog lasted 2 posts!
https://rowlando.wordpress.com/ - personal blog between 2008 to 2011. Mainly pics.